Sunday, June 9, 2024

Stugots Trial

THE COURT TRIAL Written by Mike Colonna BAILIFF Bailiff ALL RISE!! PARTICIPANTS RISE. The Court of Truth and Justice and the American Way. The Honorable Hubert Blaine Wolfe-In-Stein Hausen-Schlong-Goldberg-FinkleStein-Birgdoff-schlegel-Hausenbergerdorff - Senior Presiding. Bailiff put’s an Oxygen Mask and takes a deep breath! All
Rise!!! The Court of Justice is now in session. The Jury together with the participants begin chanting for 30 seconds. USA-USA-USA-USA-USA-USA-USA-USA-USA The Bailiff turns to the Jury and Visitors and begins wildly directing the chant. JUDGE Quiet in the Courtroom. The Judge slams his gavel. BAILIFF All be seated! Turns to the Judge. Let’s show our respect to Judge The Honorable Hubert Blaine Wolfe-In-Stein Hausen-Schlong-Goldberg- “You get the picture!!!! Turns to the Judge. All
BAILIFF Judge? JUDGE Whose representing the Defendant? DEFENDANTS ATTORNEY It is I your Honorable Highness, I mean Judge Hubert Blaine Wolfe-In-Stein Hausen-Schlong. Judge stops the Attorney and cuts her off. JUDGE Continue.... All
DEFENSE ATTORNEY May it please the court, The Attractive Defense Attorney approaches the judge and hands him some pictures of her in a Bikini! Over the shoulder of the Judge looking at Pictures of the Female Defense Attorney in a Bikini Pose. The Bailiff moves over to take a peak, the Judge turns the picture away from the Bailiff. The Judge and Defense Attorney wink at each other. JUDGE The Court is pleased, we’ll meet later in my chambers, now continue with your first witness. He looks to the Prosecution Attorney PROSECUTION ATTORNEY I call my first witness Bailiff swears the first witness in. An attractive young lady chewing a wad of gum enters the witness stand lifts her right arem. All
BAILIFF Do you promise to tell the truth and nothing but the truth to help your client so help you God? WITNESS ONE I do. BAILIFF State your name for the record. WITNESS ONE Stormy Peters, I was named after the award winning actress Stormy Daniels. My friends call me Fonda. The Judge looks at the Defense Attorney they wink at each other. JUDGE Continue. PROSECUTOR Do you know the accused defendant Blackie. Miss Fonda Peters? All
WITNESS ONE I met him a few times at his ranch. PROSECUTOR Why are you here, Miss Peters? WITNESS ONE I’m here as a character witness and I can tell you he’s quite a character. PROSECUTOR How so. WITNESS ONE One night I was in this bar and got so blasted I asked him to drive me home. PROSECUTOR What kind of car did Mr. Blackie drive? WITNESS ONE It was a 64 Buick Skylark. With Positraction. PROSECUTOR Positraction? How do you know it was a 64 Buick Skylark? WITNESS ONE The '64 Skylark had a regular differential, which, anyone who's been stuck in the mud in California knows, you step on the gas, one tire spins, the other tire does nothing. The judge looks at the witness with a peculiar look. All
JUDGE Miss Peters are you sure you’re in the right courtroom. WITNESS ONE Well it says here that I should be in courtroom one eleven. JUDGE Well Miss Fonda Peters, can I call you Fonda, (smiling) you are definitely in the wrong court room. WITNESS ONE So sorry Judge. Fonda Sashays out of the courtroom. All
BAILIFF The defendants attorney, please call your first witness. DEFENSE ATTORNEY Thank your honor. Our first witness is the accused. Mr. Blackie. Blackie, the witness approaches the bench, and hands the judge a thick envelop filled with money. The judge opens the envelop and looks pleased. JUDGE Proceed. BAILIFF Do you promise to tell the truth and nothing but the truth. BLACKIE I do! DEFENSE ATTORNEY State your name for the record. BLACKIE Blackie, just Blackie. DEFENSE ATTORNEY For the record do you plead guilty to the Blackmailing of Mayor Stugots? BLACKIE I plead not guilty. DEFENSE ATTORNEY Your witness. All
Prosecutor approaches the witness. PROSECUTOR Mr. Blackie, can I call you Blackie. BLACKIE That’s my name. PROSECUTOR We have a video of you and your men threatening bartender - bailiff please play the video. The two minute video plays on the screen. PROSECUTOR Is that you Mr. Blackie threatening the Bartender? BLACKIE It looks like me, but it looks like the tape’s been doctored with some new tech crap. AI, IUD, UPS just looks doctored. All
PROSECUTOR Your excellency I mean your honor, the Prosecution rests it’s case! JUDGE Well, under the circumstances my verdict is Guilty as charged! Blackie looks at the Judge. BLACKIE What about the money in the envelop? All
JUDGE There’s no money in this envelop, Bailiff takes him away. The Judge displays the empty envelop. Slams the gavel. JUDGE Court is adjourned!!!!

Monday, September 4, 2023

Jupiter "The Europa Mission"

Jupiter "The Europa Mission" Screenplay by Mike Colonna
Jupiter "The Europa Mission" Screenplay by Mike Colonna Logline: Extraterrestrials are out there and Gen X'r LIAM, buys a "Tiny Home" in the Southern California Desert searching for scientific explanations for life beyond Earth. Genre: Time Travel, Drama, Alien Life Liam’s life has been altered by his layoff from a social media Company. His buyout was in 7 figures. His plans of leaving his beach area apartment is now a reality. LIAM, an animal lover, is in his mid-30's, his best friend is Rocky his bigger than life German Shepard. Rocky follows Liam everywhere. They will now embark on a short trip to find a small house on a few acres, off the grid, somewhere in the California desert. Liam’s been planning to leave his crowded Beach City apartment for years. He's invested in a 4-wheel drive Tacoma pickup long bed truck with a camper shell that resembles a small two story trailer. A home away from home. His departure from life as a "social media" analyst is a welcome relief. Off to the "wild blue yonder!"
Aerial of Liam leaving his Southern California Beach community, turning on the 22 Freeway, traveling down the 57 and the aerial camera is following LIAM down the 91 Express lane, we see an inside cabin shot of LIAM and "Rocky" as they traverse the Expressway onto the 10 Freeway, through the Beaumont, Moreno Valley, with windmills dotting the country side. A Union Pacific train is traveling along side of the 10 Freeway with its two miles of containers from Los Angeles on its way to the Midwest. Four Union Pacific Diesels are doing approximately 60 miles an hour. Liam passes the two-mile behemoth within minutes and arrives to the Yucca Valley turnoff. Another 30 minutes and he will reach the "hippie" town of Yucca Valley. He passes an In and Out Burger, pulls into the pickup lane, next we see him chomping on a burger, sharing the bread and patties with "Rocky."
SAMANTHA, an attractive and young Escrow officer meets LIAM and Rocky, their romantic relationship together with UFO activity on Goat Mountain brings them closer. A secret bunker at 29 Palms Marine Base tracks their every move as they come closer to Extraterrestrials visits to the legendary Mountain. As Liam and Rocky arrive in the Yucca Valley, the desolate beauty of the landscape seems to echo with promise. A place where he can begin anew and where Rocky can roam free, far away from the city's constant buzz.
Liam had heard a few rumors about the "hippie" town of Yucca Valley, which he brushes off as being too fantastical, until he meets SAMANTHA. SAMANTHA, with her blond curls and quick smile, is unlike anyone he's ever met before. As they grow closer, their conversations often revolve around UFO sightings and unexplained events that locals swear are a regular occurrence, especially around Goat Mountain. SAMANTHA is keen on the topic, explaining that it is part of the Yucca Valley's charm and history. Initially, LIAM takes this as a form of local lore and humor, until one evening, when they witness strange lights dancing above Goat Mountain. Skepticism turns into intrigue, and before long, LIAM and SAMANTHA find themselves drawn into the inexplicable happenings around them.
Meanwhile, in the depths of the secret bunker at 29 Palms Marine Base, the largest Marine Base in the Country, an agent watches their every move. This underground facility, well known only to a select few, monitors all unexplained activity in the area, especially around Goat Mountain. The agent, observing Liam and SAMANTHA, can't help but wonder if these newcomers might somehow be linked to the extraterrestrial visits. As the relationship between LIAM, SAMANTHA, and Rocky deepens, so too does the mystery surround Goat Mountain. Unbeknownst to them, their simple life in Yucca Valley becomes increasingly entwined with the otherworldly. During this enchanting, yet sometimes eerie desert landscape, they find love, companionship, and a sense of adventure that neither of them expected.
The "Europa Mission" is just the beginning of their journey together. As they navigate through their new life, with all its unexpected turns, they begin to realize that sometimes, the most extraordinary stories can unfold in the most ordinary of places. Little do they know, their connection to the extraterrestrial visits is deeper than they could ever imagine, turning their desert haven into a grand cosmic adventure.
Jupiter "The Europa Mission" Screenplay by Mike Colonna EXT: SOMEWHERE - FREEWAY'S FROM L.A. AREA - MID MORNING Aerial of LIAM leaving his Southern California Beach community, turning on the 22 Freeway, traveling down the 57 Freeway. The aerial camera is following Liam down the 91 Express Lane, we see an inside cabin shot of Liam and "Rocky" as they traverse the Expressway onto the 10 Freeway, through Beaumont, Moreno Valley, with windmills dotting the country side. A Union Pacific train is traveling along side of the 10 Freeway with its two miles of containers from Los Angeles on its way to the Midwest. Four Union Pacific Diesels are doing approximately 60 miles an hour. Liam passes the two-mile behemoth within minutes and arrives to the Yucca Valley turnoff. Another 30 minutes and he will reach the "hippie" town of Yucca Valley. Liam pulls into an In and Out Burger pickup lane, we see him chomping on a burger, sharing the bread and patties with "Rocky sitting in the passenger seat. Flashback
INT: SOMEWHERE ON A STATE HIGHWAY 190 - LATE AFTERNOON Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake is a large military installation in California that supports the research, testing and evaluation programs of the United States Navy. It’s part of the Navy Region Southwest under Commander, Navy Installations Command, and was originally known as Naval Ordnance Test Station. Liam's father is driving a 1962 Red Ford Falcon. He's been transferred to the Naval Air Weapons Station in Ridgecrest California. Sitting in the back seat is his three-year-old son Liam. Lian's family arrived earlier, and it was Liam's father Michael's responsibility to get Liam to their new home in one piece. We see an aerial of the Red Falcon driving along an empty highway. INT: DAD’S CAR Liam is in the back seat occupied with his toy GI Joes. Liam glances out the window and yells to his dad, LIAM Look dad, two big owls are looking in the car. Two extraterrestrials’ figures appear as Owls are pasted to the rear window as the car is moving forward. LIAM MONTGOMERY'S DAD Liam, you're imagining things again. Sit still, play with your toys.
LIAM But dad. Suddenly the engine stops. LIAM’S DAD Liam's dad talking to himself out loud. Impossible, I just filled the gas tank, what the hell is going on? EXT: LIAMS DAD OPENS CAR HOOD Liam's dad is looking under the hood. What could possibly go wrong. Damn I just got the car checked before we left. Let's try starting it again. The car starts up as if there was no problem. The Red Falcon’s on the road again. Black and white film of Liam’s Childhood. Liam's, life as a kid, did not go smoothly. After a few years living on the Navy Base, one morning Liam wakes up horrified his bed sheets are full of blood. INT: LIAM’S BEDROOM-EARLY MORNING Liam awakens to blood soaked sheets.
LIAM Mom, please come here. Hurry! LIAM’S MOM Liam don't be alarmed, they're just nose bleeds. You'll be alright. The nosebleeds happened for weeks. EXT: MORNING-CHINA LAKE-BASE DOCTORS OFFICE INT: DOCTORS OFFICE Liam’s is being examined by the Base Doctor. LIAM’S DOCTOR Mary, we have to get Liam to stop picking at his nose while he sleeps. LIAM (VO) I knew the doctor had no idea what had happened to me. I never picked my nose. BASE DOCTOR When did you notice these odd "scoop marks" on Liam's forehead. Look there's a birthmark on the upper part of his forehead above his eye. Based on my observations their may be a name for what your son could be, it’s not proves, or researched yet but he could have symptoms of “indigo.” LIAM’S MOM Indigo? I don't know, what does that mean Doctor?
BASE DOCTOR Indigo children are highly evolved, they share certain psychological traits that mark them as different than other children. Not to say it’s been a proven concept Has he experienced any odd illusions? LIAM MOM He did tell his dad when he was traveling cross country he saw two owls attached to his back window. BASE DOCTOR Well, Mrs. Liam let’s just keep an eye on Liam for now, check with me in 6 months. I suggest you talk to your husband he may be able to get to the bottom of Liam’s problem. LIAM MOM Thank you Doctor. There were many visits to the Base Doctor after that episode. INT: FAMILY HOME Liams dad arrives home. LIAMS DAD So how’s my favorite couple? What did the doctor say. LIAMS MOM He thinks Liam has some type of gift, he calls it “Indigo.” He possesses some clear sense of purpose, a strong case of curiosity. LIAMS DAD You know ever since we moved here, our car trip, and some crazy things that happened while we were on the road, I’ve always wondered how that affected Liam. I’m going to have a talk with him after dinner.
Black and white family films. Liam playing with toys in the family living room. Learning how to ride his bike. Liam’s (POV) of events. (VO) LIAM My early childhood was filled with all types of weird toys. WW11 airplanes, tinker toys, Lincoln logs, anything to keep me occupied. One afternoon my mom turned on the TV, a science fiction movie began, monsters, and other creatures were invading the planet, but the visual of a grey alien appeared, I was in total fear. I hid under the covers, I knew they were in the room with me. I yelled to my folks, they were enjoying cocktails with close friends, they probably heard me but seemed to not care. Crazy things happened to me growing up. During my paper route, a large dog jumped a fence and made a beeline for me. As the dog was about to jump on me, teeth snarling like a lion, I was saved by a 1968 Buick that came out of nowhere and slowly hit the dog as he was about to attack me. I glimpsed at the driver, could not make out his features, I had never seen this car in my neighborhood, ever. Another late afternoon on my paper route while riding my bike a strange light snow and fog rolled in. That never happens. The temperature dropped, I got lost and it took me hours to get back to my house. I was scared stiff.
I started visiting the local library when I got older. I was the only kid interested in "flying saucers." I could not get enough material to read that involved creatures from other planets. At the age of 10 I read "Chariots of the Gods," I became a believer. There's another life in the Universe and I was about to become a truth seeker. LIAM VOICE OVER I was haunted by the two owls throughout my childhood. My childhood was one strange event after another. EXT: MID MORNING - DRIVING DOWN FREEWAYS TO PALM SPRINGS AREA. Aerial of Liam leaving his Southern California Beach community, turning on the 22 Freeway, traveling down the 57 and the aerial camera is following LIAM down the 91 Express lane. The radio is blaring. Liam is listening to a Joe Rogan Podcast interview with a renown NSA engineer discussing U-F-O’s. Rocky’s is looking out at traffic from the back passenger windows.
INT: TACOMA An inside cabin shot of LIAM and "Rocky" as they traverse the 57 Freeway turning onto the 10 Freeway, heading East toward the Beaumont, Moreno Valley, with windmills dotting the country side. A Union Pacific train is traveling along side of the 10 Freeway with its two miles of containers from Los Angeles on its way to the Midwest. Four Union Pacific Diesels are doing approximately 60 miles an hour. Liam passes the two-mile behemoth within minutes and arrives to the Yucca Valley turnoff. Liam turns left on Old Women's Road, and travels through picturesque rock formations, pulls over and checks out his map and pinpoints two acres with a small house in the middle of nowhere, below Goat Mountain, called Landers. He makes a left turn and drives a few hundred yards and has arrived to his destination. A small house converted from a trailer, sits in the middle of a two acre parcel, the entry is a short dirt road, with a For Sale sign. They spend time walking around the Tiny Home.
LIAM We’ll Rocky we found it. Liam and Rocky agree, this place will be their new home away from home. Liam's parked outside of an Escrow Company to sign paperwork. Rocky’s sitting in the camper with his head sticking out of the window. INT: MID AFTERNOON - PALM DESERT ESCROW OFFICE. An attractive young escrow officer in her mid-twenties greets Liam at the doors and notices Rocky's head sticking out the rear window of Liam's truck. She smiles and welcomes her new client. SAMANTHA Hi, my name is SAMANTHA. You're German Shepard is awesome. What's his name. LIAM I'm LIAM. Rocky. He's my point man. SAMANTHA How cute. Well shall we get started. She leads Liam to her office; her office has a clear shot to Liam's camper. Rocky's head is poking out of the window, taking in the scenery. SAMANTHA I see where you're buying a property up in the Landers area. I love the name of the street. Jupiter.
LIAM Yea, all the streets in the area are named after planets in the Universe. I guess that's what appealed to me. SAMANTHA You know, I've heard the sky at night is filled with stars, and occasional meteor showers. You're going to love it there. LIAM I'm looking forward to it. Do you live in this area? SAMANTHA Yes, grew up in this area, went to high school and college here. What about you? LIAM I'm a beach guy, but it's gotten so crowded I can't wait to be in some wide-open spaces. Liam comments on a picture sitting on SAMANTHA's desk.
LIAM Isn't that a picture of the Giant Rock in Landers? SAMANTHA That's my great Uncle Joseph Fuller. LIAM I think I read about him. SAMANTHA He was an unusual fellow, before he died, he told his friends that spaceship from one of Jupiter's moons woke him up. The aliens invited him on board the saucer and they let him on the secret of rejuvenating the human body. He eventually built a museum that relived his experience on the spacecraft. It was called the "Rejuvenation” for scientific research into time travel, and extending human life.
LIAM Wow, that's interesting. SAMANTHA He was buried in an unmarked grave site between Goat Mountain and the Giant Rock. We can't find the spot, some folks think that some aliens from Jupiter found his burial spot, exhumed his body, and brought it back to Europa one of the dozens of moons that circle Jupiter. LIAM What a story. Well I got to keep moving, here's a cashier’s check, where do I sign. SAMANTHA Right here. I'll walk you out to your truck. Maybe you'll introduce me to Rocky? LIAM Sounds like a plan. SAMANTHA By the way, my friends call me Sam. LIAM Well Sam, I going to be in town for a few weeks, come by and say hello. SAMANTHA Looking forward to it. EXT: LATE AFTERNOON - PALM DESERT Liam drives off, she waves to "Rocky" as the leave. Liam drives under the corral posts to his new home away from home. LIAM What do you think Rocky? Rocky barks approval.
LIAM We've got lots of unpacking to do, Rocky, maybe we'll spend the night in the camper. Let's build a fire and talk about it. INT: LATE AFTERNOON - INSIDE TINY HOME Liam opens the front door of his new Tiny Home. Liam check out the ceiling, closets, open’s the refrigerator door, checks out the stove, walks over to the side bedroom, hit’s the mattress, dust puffs out. LIAM Guess we won’t be sleeping inside tonight. EXT: MORNING The next morning shuffling inside the camper, and a knock on the side panel. SAMANTHA Knock, knock.
LIAM You found us. We decided to sleep under the stars. Hey, I didn't see any flying saucers. SAMANTHA Just dropped by to congratulate you on your new home. LIAM Stick around I'll make some coffee. Liam removes a portable table and coffee maker from his camper, cooks up some hot coffee, set's up some chairs under the awning connected to his camper. SAMANTHA You've got quite a set up here. How much time do you plan on spending here in the middle of nowhere? LIAM This place needs lot’s of work. I'm waiting for some furniture, and my "redwood hot tub" should be delivered sometime today. SAMANTHA Sounds like you're settling in. Can I help you clean up the place? LIAM I’ve got it handled. Actually I’m looking forward to cleaning this place up. It needs lot’s of work. SAMANTHA Well, I'm in between deliveries, thought I would bring you your closing escrow statement. LIAM Thank you Sam, Sam heads toward her car. She waves back at Liam and Rocky.
LIAM Don't be a stranger. Come by anytime. EXT: LATE AFTERNOON - A CAR APPROACHES A week later, it's a late Saturday afternoon. Liam is sitting in his new Redwood Hot Tub. Steam off the hot water blurs his vision, SAMANTHA drives off the main road, drives through the coral posts, and parks her car. SAMANTHA Well I see you've made yourself a home. LIAM Stick around when I finish here I'm going to whip up some dinner. SAMANTHA Sounds like a plan. LIAM If you want to we can watch the sunset from my new hot tub. Care to join me. SAMANTHA I didn't bring a bathing suit. LIAM Use your imagination. SAMANTHA Ok, If you don't mind I'll use this towel to cover up. Sam removes her clothes except for her undergarments. Liam tries not to stare but peeks and likes what he sees. SAMANTHA has an athletic body and appears to be fit. She removes the towel and enters the steamy Hot Tub. They face the sunset. She sits beside Liam, he sneaks his arm around her shoulder. Brings her closer. SAMANTHA hand is underwater and finds Liam's naked body, submerged. After touching Ian's body underwater, Sam removes her top and shakes off her bottom under ware. The sun is setting and now SAMANTHA is straddling Liam facing him, Liam's in heaven. It's getting darker, the wind is blowing over the hot desert. SAMANTHA It's so quiet a peaceful out here. I can see why you wanted to move from the beach.
LIAM Well Sam, you've made my life a lot more interesting. SAMANTHA hugs and kisses him. Kissing becomes passionate. A few minutes later Sam's legs are strapped around LIAM, again. He holds SAMANTHA close and while focused on the Sunset over Goat Mountain. Liam sees a ghost like light descending below the famous landmark. LIAM shrugs it off, and Sam and Liam continue their underwater aerobics. INT: MORNING - TINY HOME The next morning Sam and Liam are inside the trailer waking up from a late night of star gazing. LIAM I'm going to take Rocky out for a walk, Sam. SAMANTHA I've got to get moving, I'm going to take a quick shower, I'll wait for you. EXT: MORNING - OUTSIDE TINY HOME Liam walks down the dirt road entrance to his new home. Rocky's sniffing around, Liam hears Sam's voice from outside the Tiny Home. LIAM I'll be right there. Liam walks through the home on his way to the outside shower and bathroom area. Sam has a towel wrapped around her trying to figure out how the shower works. SAMANTHA Can you make this work Liam? LIAM You'll enjoy it after we get this bugger working. Liam turns on a gadget next to the water tank, the shower begins squirting out a light stream of water, Sam removes the towel and jumps in the makeshift shower and makes due with how a simple shower in the middle of the desert can be so invigorating.
LIAM Need any help? SAMANTHA Could use some soap if you have any? LIAM You bet. Liam grabs a bottle of liquid soap, squirts it all over SAMANTHA, she starts splashing Liam with soap and water. SAMANTHA Come on this is fun. Liam drops his clothes, and jumps in the shower with SAMANTHA, Splish, splash you know the rest. LIAM Are we moving to fast here? You know I'm a traveling man, like to move around a lot, but now there's you. SAMANTHA Let's enjoy the moment, don't get to philosophical about what's happening. If it happens it happens. LIAM You know last night in the hot tub, when I was looking over your shoulder, don't get me wrong, I was enjoying the moment just like you were, but I couldn't help noticing a weird light bobbing in and out of the clouds behind Goat Mountain. SAMANTHA Uh ho, My great uncle would have loved that moment. I mean not the hot tub but the light behind Goat Mountain. He would have loved it!
LIAM There's got to be more to it. SAMANTHA Well let's talk about this later, I have to get back I'm waiting for some packages to be delivered. It's Saturday, if you like I can come back tomorrow and we can do some exploring, hiking or whatever's on your mind. LIAM Sounds like a plan. SAMANTHA hugs Liam goodbye. Rocky and Liam watch her drive off. A beautiful night sky begins to illuminate the desert. Liam and Rocky sit outside of his new home sipping on an alcoholic drink enjoying the desert sky. It's a sunny morning in the desert. Liam is on a ladder installing security cameras around his Tiny Home. Fast forward to his desk inside overlooking Goat Mountain. He turns on his computer to install the security camera software. A voice comes on.
SOFTWARE VOICE Thank you for purchasing our high powered security camera's. The way these camera's work with our newly developed sensors will combat any type of breaches to your property. Your new security system is manned by live guards 24/7 who can not only warn you when criminals may be approaching but also send real-time information to police departments confirming an active situation that is happening. Unlike other security systems, our high-powered cameras will give you a clear image by focusing on objects more than three miles with the clarity you will not believe. Our high-powered cameras are super proactive and easy to use. Rocky is sitting by Liam's side listening to the voice on the computer.
LIAM Rocky, I think we've solved our problem. Just then Liam's cell phone rings. SAMANTHA's on the other end. SAMANTHA It's the weekend, thought you might want some company. LIAM I was just thinking about you, you must see the new security cameras I've installed. I can see for miles around. SAMANTHA I'll be there in a few hours, let's do exploring, maybe some hiking. I've got the week off. LIAM Sounds great. Rocky Sam's coming. Rocky moves his head nodding approval. SAMANTHA drives over the dirt road that leads to Liam's Tiny Home. Liam is putting the final touches on his security system. SAMANTHA exits her car, brushes herself off and approaches Liam on a ladder checking out his newly installed camera. A small fire pit is crackling with logs, LIAM climbs off the ladder and meets Sam by the firepit. SAMANTHA and Liam get comfortable around the firepit, Liam pulls out two cans of soft drinks. SAMANTHA Looks like you're surrounded by a wall of surveillance cameras.
LIAM I don't want to miss a thing out here in the middle of the desert. After the other night, I thought I would take a deep dive into the history of all the Goat Mountain and UFO stories. SAMANTHA My great uncle would have loved you! LIAM You know there's something very mysterious living out here in the desert alone. Sorry, maybe we're not alone. I'll bet the Goat Mountain is hiding a lot of secrets. SAMANTHA Well, let's not talk about it, let's do it. If you feel like exploring the different trails on Goat Mountain, lets get up early and hike the mountain. It will be full of surprises. INT: NIGHT - TINY HOME Sam and Liam approach the entry, Sam's takes a step-in front of Liam as she opens the door, she turns and puts her arms around her new found love. They embrace, and you know the rest. It’s now the middle of the night. In the middle of the night Samantha is snuggles up to Liam. Out of the Tiny home we see Shadows of Space Saucers, shaped like triangles, begin circling the Goat Mountain. Liam starts moving and shaking in his sleep, he’s dreaming of the unknown. SAMANTHA Liam you’re shaking what’s going on?
LIAM I had the weirdest dream. Remember that Malaysian Flight that disappeared over the Indian Ocean, I'm not sure if it's a nightmare or just a bad dream. I'm in a submersible deep in the Indian Ocean looking for the 370, it's more than 4km deep at the bottom of the Ocean, I see underwater mountains, outcrops, cliffs, underwater volcanoes, huge deep canyons. I arrive at the fuselage of the huge jet, look in the windows and the lights inside are still on. Deep underwater activity near Malaysian Flight 370 appears. I see passengers strapped to their seats, I keep looking through other windows on the plane, and suddenly there's a note that must have been written by the passenger sitting next to the portal, it said, "They've arrived. There on the plane. SAMANTHA Concerned Samantha keeps questioning Liam. What else did you see? LIAM I keep looking through the airplane windows and see mysterious shadows walking up and down the aisles, some sitting in empty seats. I turned around and odd shaped underwater vehicles were leaving one of the active volcanoes. I swung around and looked into the cockpit, all the avionics were gone. It appeared like a small little city of underground machines traveling back and forth into the volcano. SAMANTHA
Samantha, It must be the Indigo part of your brain working overtime. LIAM All of a sudden two owls are pasted on the windshield of my small submersible. Their pushing me toward the opening of the underwater volcano. Samantha is snuggles up to Liam, it’s late but they’re talking about the days events. They finally fall asleep. It’s morning, Liam is preparing breakfast. He places a cup of coffee on the table for Samantha. Morning turns into late afternoon the sun is setting. EXT: NIGHT - OUTSIDE TINY HOME Liam grabs two sleeping bags from his camper. Lay’s them next to the firepit. LIAM It’s getting late. Let’s sleep under the stars tonight. SAMANTHA Great idea. LIAM I’ll get some pillows and we can check out the mountain, who knows maybe we’ll see some crazy things happenings up there. Samantha and Liam are staring up in the sky from huddled in their sleeping bags. Stars are shinning over a pitch Dark Desert sky. The fire is crackling. Logline: Extraterrestrials are out there. Thirty something LIAM REYNOLDS, purchases a "Tiny Home" on five acres in the Southern California Desert near 29 Palms Marine Corps base. His new home overlooks Goat Mountain considered a hotbed of UFO activity.
SAMANTHA Liam how did you get interested in all of this extraterrestrial stuff? LIAM I don’t know this could be the place to see it if it’s all true. I don’t know if I believe all of the U-F-O and alien conspiracies but I did witness something really bizarre years ago, I think it was when before I went to college I was living with my dad in a house in a neighborhood it was late at night and I asked my girlfriend to come and pick me up so we could go out to an all night diner. I forget which, so be picked my up at my dad’s house, as we’re making our way out of the neighborhood it’s gotta be like midnight, nobody’s on the street it’s just us driving down going to the main road I noticed something in the sky.It was these three orbs of light in the shape of a triangle just sitting there in the sky. I can’t quite explain it but it didn’t look like stars, it didn’t look like planes like helicopters they weren’t emitting any noise they weren't moving they were just sitting in the sky and I could tell they were high up they were definitely in our atmosphere but well above the trees. They won't like just specks of lights they were like orbs illuminating light in the sky just sitting there just standing still then my girlfriend stops the car and she looks over at me and she says are you seeing what I’m seeing? Yea, what the hell is that?
We’re kind of just shocked at what we’re seeing we can’t quite rationalize what’s going on right now, it didn’t look like it didn’t look like a plane, it didn’t sound like a helicopter it was just lights in the sky that looked like big orbs of light as we’re staring at if for a while we’re trying to figure out what the hell it was all of a sudden these three orbs of light just simultaneously shrink into nothingness. They didn’t dissolve, they didn’t zip away they shrunk into nothingness as if they were sucked into a black hole or something. I know the story sounds crazy like I’m making it up sounds like a scene from a movie but it really did happen. To this day I cannot explain that experience. What makes it so crazy there are so many people that have that exact same story these orbs of like just sit there like triangles in the sky all of sudden they just go away.
No one can explain it, no one knows what they are where they come from why they’re here ever since that moment I’ve been so fascinated about the unknown. There’s no explanation for that event We’d like to believe it’s aliens of some sort the government is hiding U-F-O’s from us and they know they worried about everything, how we’ll react when they know there’s another civilization out there that’s much more advanced than us something about that theory is so fascinating exciting the idea of aliens and that was all true and the government came out yes it’s all true, it would shatter our reality. I feel that humanity need that right now with all the chaos that’s going on cause all of a sudden the problems we have on earth no longer matter our problems are now so insignificant because we have this much bigger issue we’re no long alone in this universe anymore in the weirdest way possible that would I don’t know if we’ll know what really out there and that's OK may we’re not meant to know. It sure is mindboggling dreaming about it. Being humbled by the universe the stars, the planets, and our insignificance as part of this grand plan. The next morning Rocky jumps on the two sleeping bags. Rocky's licking Liam's face. SAMANTHA I guess who we know who's Rocky's favorite.
LIAM Before you know it, old Rocky here, you’ll be waking Rocky every morning if you plan coming out here a lot. Liam get's out of his sleeping bag. LIAM I’ll make us some coffee. SAMANTHA It's about 6am, we should get moving to Goat Mountain before 7. The campers side panels are open. Sam and Liam are loading the gear for the Goat Mountain hike. Liam and Samantha jump into the front and Rocky's occupies the back seat. An aerial of the trio headed for Goat Mountain. INT: MORNING - LIAMS TRUCK SAMANTHA Let me read some of my great Uncle's memories from the book he wrote. Incidentally the road in front of your property is called Fuller trail, named after my uncle's friend Charlie Fuller. Old Charlie happened upon the mountain on his way home from hunting deer. Took a break from driving and it says here, he "happened upon a piece of gold" lying on the ground. LIAM Gold? SAMANTHA After that small discovery he moved his family to this area and started mining, he eventually gave his mine back to the government.
LIAM I think this is where we start our little trek through Goat Mountain. They should have called it Gold Mountain since there's mine shafts all over the place. They begin walking the trail. LIAM Looks like there's loose rocks so watch it Sam. They start their journey, finally get to the top. LIAM Look north, the Mojave Desert. Look Sam someone built a sun dial from rocks. The sun is starting to set. It’s getting darker. SAMANTHA What's this crazy looking rock formation?
LIAM It's called the White Dome. Let's take a break. Sitting in one of the scenic spots next to the White Dome, Liam pulls out his camera and begins shooting pictures of the area. SAMANTHA We aught to take a couple of pictures of us standing next to some of these beautiful rock formations. Could this be the Goat Mountain Cemetery? LIAM Let me set this camera on a Tripod, sounds like a great idea. Liam sets up his cell phone and mini-cam facing the White Dome and another facing the desert. It’s almost pitch black. Liam pulls out a flashlight. As they start walking down the trail to Liam’s camper, something mysteriously hovers over the Goat Mountain Cemetery. A football filed size sphere which appears to be some type of space object becomes stationary with beams of light shinning down on tombstones. Liam and Samantha take cover behind two large boulders. SAMANTHA Liam what’s happening?
LIAM There’s a strange shadow descending out of the space ship. It looks like some type of grey shadow that’s slowly moving downward in the bright light. I can’t make it out. SAMANTHA I see it. It’s hovering over some of the grave sites. I don’t believe it. Bodies are rising out of the graves, they look as if they’re human. Their slowly rising ito the space ship. LIAM It looks like the grey creature is pulling spirits out of the ground and as they rise they become human again. SAMANTHA Hundred’s of them. LIAM It looks like their collecting bodies for some type of experiment. SAMANTHA They must have been doing this for thousands of years. Look the bodies are being sucked into the space machine as if the light is like a magnet pulling their bodies, they look mysteriously transparent.
LIAM It’s like the Grey Alien has become some type of scout delivering the souls of humans up into the space machine. The event comes to an end and the space machine dot’s away with out a trace. Silent. SAMANTHA I hope you got some of this on your camera. LIAM I’m sure I do. They begin packing Liam's camper. The truck begins the downward trek toward the main road. SAMANTHA checks the I-phone pictures that were taken atop the hill. She begins shuffling the pictures and takes notice. SAMANTHA Did you focus on the two of us? Something in these pictures looks very odd. LIAM What's the problem. SAMANTHA I'm trying to focus on both of us. Something fishy is going on here. We both have something holding onto our shoulders.
LIAM What are you talking about? SAMANTHA Pull over and I'll show you. SAMANTHA holds the focus down on the I-Phone, Liam and Sam both have hands holding their shoulders. No bodies just hands. LIAM Wait a minute, you've been playing around with these pictures. I don't get it. SAMANTHA Weird, the hands look very odd, almost scaley. LIAM Look at the your Shirt, your shoulder where the hand was, it looks like it's decomposing. SAMANTHA Crap, SAMANTHA looks at Ian's shoulder. SAMANTHA Look at your shirt, the right shoulder looks like you have a big stain, or some kind of smudge. They look at each other in amazement. Liam pulls back on the road and they head back to Liam’s new desert home. It's dark, Liam and SAMANTHA settle in, Liam has opened his laptop, this connection is weak, but he still has a faint picture of his e-mail. SAMANTHA is adjusting the small kitchen table, when she notices a light over Goat Mountain, hovering then disappearing.
LIAM My laptop has lot's of static. Not sure what's happening. SAMANTHA Didn't you say the other night you saw lights moving above Goat Mountain? Look there's something going on up there. LIAM Hold on, there's some type of face emerging on my laptop. Looks like some kind of weird face, it clears then becomes static. It looks like one of the faces on Game of Thrones. A White Walker. SAMANTHA I can see white ghost like shadows in the desert walking toward Goat Mountain. Could it be connected with the lights on Goat Mountain. LIAM Not sure, but Sam, look at this face on my computer. It looks like a dead person. SAMANTHA Hideous, could it be connected to the hands we saw on your camera? LIAM I don't know, but there's something going on out there, Rocky's pawing at the door. Liam grabs his jacket. LIAM I going to find out what's happening once and for all. I’ll take Rocky with me, you hold down the fort. SAMANTHA Bullshit, I'm going with you! SAMANTHA grabs her jacket, a flashlight and a baseball bat she keeps in her car. Liam get's his Rugger and they head out the door. An aerial of the Ian's camper truck, lights headed for Goat Mountain. As they approach, lights are traversing the mountain like large shadows in the night. Liam and SAMANTHA stop at the base of Goat Mountain trail and begin their mission. Suddenly as they get midway up the mountain trail, a loud indescribable noise, like someone scratching a chalk board. LIAM Did you hear that? SAMANTHA I thought I heard something behind me.
LIAM Let's keep moving. SAMANTHA I saw something strange. They come upon a big rock, and hide behind it. Liam takes out his camera, and begins filming into the dark, he sees some type of matter through his lens. LIAM You see that? SAMANTHA See what? LIAM My camera shows a beast like figure but when I look up I see nothing. Wait, some type of White Walker type creature is looking straight at me. SAMANTHA I still don't see anything. Maybe it sees the light on your camera. LIAM Without the camera, all I see is nothing but darkness. Bright lights are flying over the pair. We see their bodies as the light flies over them. Then darkness. SAMANTHA Let's back off.
LIAM Try not to make too much noise. Look, that one beam of light coming from the sky skimming the mountain. It's dropping something. It looks like a body. Moments later, Liam and SAMANTHA are surrounded by bodies dropped by the circling lights hovering above Goat Mountain. SAMANTHA Liam I think this is a bad idea, let's get out of here. LIAM These bodies seem inhuman, lifeless, spirits, I'm turning my camera back on, I've got to record this. My camera will pick up wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation that we can't see with our eyes. SAMANTHA It's so dark up here. Maybe we're losing our minds.
LIAM Time to head back, be as quiet as you can. Liam and Sam look back at white and orange objects in formation, their followed by a further eight identical objects. The rise vertically over the lower sections of Goat Mountain dropping what appears to be lifeless ghost like objects. The scene is quiet and surreal. SAMANTHA Look Liam, one of those objects is diving up and down changing shapes. It's rising fast, it just vanished. LIAM Sam look up, their shooting past the clouds, their gone. SAMANTHA This is really crazy. I've never seen anything like this before. LIAM Let's get out of here and come back in the morning. Aerial of Camper Truck leaving Goat Mountain headed back to Liam's Tiny House, on Jupiter Road. Back inside Liam's home.
LIAM I've got to do some checking here. Liam removes his laptop from a small backpack. SAMANTHA What are you checking on Liam? LIAM Funny how these bodies kept falling out of the sky. It looked like the shining objects were jettisoning these object that looked spent, or just plain empty of any life. SAMANTHA Let's look at my USB card, I'm pretty sure I have some of the bodies dropping out of the sky. LIAM I'll stick it in my laptop, let's see what's on it. The laptop reveals lights hovering above SAMANTHA and Liam's heads. Faint ghost-like objects are falling out of the clouds, with bright lights circling in patterns that resemble figure eights. SAMANTHA Look Liam, what are those faint objects dropping out of the clouds? LIAM We have to go back tomorrow and do some checking. Where are the selfies we took? SAMANTHA I've got them here.
LIAM Let's take a closer look at the hands draped over our shoulders. One hand on each shoulder, shriveled up, spooky. SAMANTHA You think it has something to do with the bodies dropping out of sky? LIAM You said one of your relatives lived out here? Wrote a book, let's check it out on the internet. What was his name? SAMANTHA James Van. Type it in and see what comes up. Liam's fingers move quickly on the laptop. LIAM Wait, look at this. Good old James talks about the Giant Rock and evidence about UFOs on Goat Mountain. Geez, Sam, I think we're dealing with something from another world. SAMANTHA It's worth another trip up there in daylight. Those lights at night spook me. The next day they drive back to Goat Mountain. Walk the trail, discover circular rocks in a deep canyon that appear to be some type landing area. SAMANTHA Look at the ground around that circle of rocks. Little mounds of dust. Liam reaches down, picks up some of the dust particles, and discovers bone-like particles mixed with greyish white dust. SAMANTHA What do you think?
LIAM I'm still trying to figure out if this dust has anything to do with the hands we saw in the pictures. Let's bag some of this stuff and see if anyone in town can identify what the hell it is. INT: LATE AFTERNOON - INSIDE CAMPER SAMANTHA is on Liam's laptop. SAMANTHA I'm checking on some forensic labs around this area. There's one in town. LIAM Let me see the computer for a second, something is jumping out at me. Sam did you know there was a serious earthquake here more than 30 years ago. There were earthquakes recorded around the world. A big one in the Middle East, looks like one huge quake in Turkey. Turkey's government blamed it on some type of crazy theory that an American Ship was cruising the coast of Turkey and dug a tunnel which they planted some type of hydrogen bomb to cause the earthquake. Liam keeps punching away on his laptop.
LIAM The folks near the quake spotted weird lights moving in and out of clouds before the quake. They reported beams that were pointed down outside of the earthquake epicenter. SAMANTHA You think it could be something from another planet? LIAM Let’s get back, I want to get more research. Liam and Samantha begin driving back to the Tiny Home. INT: LATE NIGHT - TINY HOME Liam’s at his desk with his laptop. LIAM Let me keep reading. It says here that folks interviewed after the Lander's earthquake saw strange objects flying at high speeds in and out of clouds. With strange lights pointed at Goat Mountain. Scrolling through different links describing extraterrestrial intelligence and close encounters and sightings.
LIAM Look Sam sightings of UFO's dates back to biblical times. Reports date back thousands of years with carving on walls depicting round saucer-like objects above the earth. We have to go back up there in the morning. SAMANTHA Why would governments try to cover up the existence of aliens from outer space. LIAM It says here that a government organization connected to the Air Force has documents proving the existence of small, gray humanoid aliens from a moon circling Jupiter could be the stopover for saucers from another galaxy. SAMANTHA We've got to go back up there. LIAM Aren't you afraid? SAMANTHA Are you kidding, my uncle found something up there but didn't live long enough to expose what he saw. I'm convinced that these saucers from another planet have created earthquakes around the world. Let's get some sleep and leave early. Liam wakes up checks his laptop it's about 3am. He looks out the window yawning and sees bright lights hovering over Goat Mountain. EXT: LATE NIGHT - OUTSIDE TINY HOME The lights are bouncing in and out of clouds, darting back in and out, a sphere resembling a saucer or triangular object in a split second is now hovering above Liam 's Tiny House.
INT: LATE NIGHT - INSIDE TINY HOME LIAM Sam, wake up. Look. The triangular craft is about 1000 feet above Liam's home. Suddenly bright lights are shining down it's daylight at 3am. The area surrounding Liam's home was surrounded by a blinding light shooting down from the saucer. Liam opened the door and Rocky his dog shoots out of the house. Suddenly the Saucer like object shoots like a bullet back toward Goat Mountain, it seemed like a split second. It's pitch black. SAMANTHA Holy crap Liam, what is happening? LIAM It's got something to do with what we saw at Goat Mountain. If we report this, people will say were crazy. We have to find out what's going on. SAMANTHA Where do you think they're from? LIAM It's got to be some planet in our solar system. I've heard Jupiter has four giant moons. In our astronomy class, Europa was one of the best places to look for life beyond Earth. I'll bet that's where our visitors are coming from. Special effects space travel. As Liam speaks special effects of travel through the blackness of space, passing each one of Jupiter's moons and zooming in on the planet Europa.
LIAM That moon is dying, maybe they're snatching bodies from Earth to replenish their dying population. SAMANTHA Dead bodies from a decrepit cemetery? Special effects of flying objects coming out of the dark side of Europa traveling at high rates of speed. Moving circling the moon launching frequently bursting out of formation moving on a path toward earth. LIAM That's it, Europa's got to be where there coming from. SAMANTHA You think? LIAM I've got to get some sleep; we have to plan our trip to the mountain bright and early. Let's hit it! SAMANTHA and Liam call it a night. The morning desert Sun wakes Liam, Sam is now awake. Liam opens his laptop and begins researching extraterrestrials. One of the items peaks his interest. SAMANTHA Let's make something quick to eat and head out to meet our friends from Europa. LIAM Wherever they're from let's hope we aren't their next passengers.
EXT: MORNING - TINY HOME Rocky jumps into Liam's Tacoma, Sam hops in, it's Sunday and sightseers will be hiking trails along Goat Mountain. I think I've got something that could give us an idea on what were looking at Sam. Let me read what this researcher says, "The only way these UFO's move through the galaxies without traces of how they accelerate is to assume that they're propelled by solar radiation." SAMANTHA That makes sense to me. LIAM The only way it can be propelled by solar radiation. The skin of the craft is super thin and stores energy to power the craft. These spaceships were designed hundreds of thousands of years ago by some type of super intelligence. Imagine how their technology is millions of years ahead of ours. SAMANTHA Does it say anything about the planet Europa? LIAM Earth-like planets are orbiting sunlike stars like suns in their own galaxies. SAMANTHA I wonder if Europa is just a drop off point, while these UFOs are traveling toward other planets like earth.
LIAM According to this article they’re than 4 billion sunlike stars in the Milky Way and at least 2.4 billion planets in just our galaxy alone. SAMANTHA Imagine how many of these UFO's are just flying through the galaxies looking for other forms of life. This is getting a little to mind boggling for me. LIAM My guess is that these spaceships have crews that are morphed into small little external drives are controlled by some type of plan using the stars to guide them. Like our White Walker, was dropped from the space ship and transformed from some type of AI storage cylinder and turned into the body that we saw on Goat Mountain. What do you think Sam? SAMANTHA I'm thinking we can't be the only life out there. If we're a young planet, there has to be thousands of other planets that have perfected traveling through the galaxies. They've got millions of years of perfecting how to travel to different planets. Liam's thinking out loud.
LIAM Where are these planets? How many want to communicate with us? Where are they? Do they really want to? SAMANTHA I got called back to my office; they need me to close out a deal. SAMANTHA aerial of driving off. EXT: JOSHUA TREE - HAPPY HOUR AT THE "OUT THERE" RESTAURANT AND BAR. Liam pulls up to "The Out There" Joshua Trees favorite Marine hangout. As he gets out of his Tacoma, 2 Hercules Choppers fly above him as they make their decent to 29 Palm Marine Base. Liam thinks nothing of it. Rocky's been silent throughout the ordeal. INT: JOSHUA TREE - OUT THERE BAR - EARLY EVENING LIAM I'll have a draft beer and one of your famous burgers. BARTENDER You got it. A group of Marines are sitting in the corner playing darts and shooting pool. Loud and boisterous. One of the Marines recognizes Liam and moves to an empty stool next to Liam. The Marine is a little on the drunk side, but alert and very talkative. LCPL DANNY WOOD Hey Pard, I'm Corporal Danny Wood, I think I recognize you. LIAM I don't think we've ever met. Wood looks around to see where his mates are, if they're in listening distance, they're not. LCPL DANNY WOOD Well Bud, I know a lot about you. Don't you live in the middle of nowhere, a few miles from here. LIAM Yea, and Corporal Wood, how would you know that? Wood looks around again, nobody still nobody listening. LCPL DANNY WOOD Well, Liam can I call Liam?
LIAM Sure. LCPL DANNY WOOD If I tell you how I know, I’ll have to kill you. LIAM Really? LCPL DANNY WOOD No I'm just joshing with you. LIAM Go ahead. LCPL DANNY WOOD Since you're a part of my assignment, you're not in any trouble, and if the boss knows I'm talking to LIAM, I could get in a lot trouble. LIAM Now you've got me goin. What's this all about. LCPL DANNY WOOD Well I'm not for hiding government secrets, you have to know that and I'm not to crazy about surveilling every move you and your girlfriend are making, let's just leave it at that. LIAM Hold it, me and my girlfriend, you just opened up a brand-new conversation. LCPL DANNY WOOD Hold it, Liam, I'm on your side. I'm not crazy about the government secretly monitoring your activates but you should know we've been watching your every move. If my boss get's wind of our conversation, I'm toast! Can I have your word? LIAM All depends, what the hell are we talking about?
LCPL DANNY WOOD I'm working for a branch of the Government who's connected with National Security. We've got eyes on you and everyone that's been looking UFO's. We've got a mass of electronic data on folks like you that moved from watching terrorists, let's morphed into looking into the private lives of people looking into extraterrestrial activities. LIAM Bullshit. I don't believe it. LCPL DANNY WOOD Look I could get in a lot of trouble if this conversation get's past these bar stools. You look like a good guy, and I just wanted you to know, we're keeping a eye on you and your friend. LIAM What does that mean? LCPL DANNY WOOD Laptop, security cameras, we've monitored all of your links to the internet.
LIAM OK why? LCPL DANNY WOOD That's for another day. LIAM You know this is bullshit. Let's meet again same time same place text me you number since you know so much about me. Liam throws his money on the bar and storms out. Aerial of him arriving to his desert home. Opens the front door, is greeted by his dog Rocky. LIAM We've got work to do. INT: LATE AFTERNOON - TINY HOME Liam opens his laptop, spots a tiny camera on top of the screen. Covers it with tape. Then collects tape to cover all of his indoor and outdoor security camera's. Liam then turns on his laptop, and searches websites from the 'dark web" that offer sites that can be secured against hacking by any foreign entity including the military. His cell phone rings, it's SAMANTHA. SAMANTHA LIAM how's your day going. LIAM My day let's see. No let's not see. If you have some time c'mon over, I'll be waiting. No emergency but we've got to talk. SAMANTHA I'll get off early, things are really slow around here. Be there, leaving now. SAMANTHA pulls through the Corral posts she parks in front of Liam’s Tiny Home. Liam puts his fingers up to his mouth to signal a "shoosh" no talk sign. EXT: LATE AFTERNOON - TINY HOME He signals her outside; she looks around and sees the security cameras are covered. Liam leads her to his truck. Then remembers he's being watched, Satellites, sound detectors maybe planted on his truck, he grabs her hand and they walk to the outskirts of his property. LIAM How does your day look tomorrow. SAMANTHA Friday's are tough, everyone wants to close their escrows, but I can probably leave early if I get my work done. They’re standing sideways talking to each other, we see clouds forming around Goat Mountain, faint lights are traveling through the clouds unnoticed by Liam and SAMANTHA.
LIAM We're being watched. SAMANTHA By who. LIAM A top-secret unit at 29 Palms looking for Extraterrestrial signs of Intelligent life beyond earth. They've picked up conversations on my laptop, my security cameras, and are following us. They've picked up our trips to Goat Mountain, they've probably have satellite's looking at us right now. SAMANTHA How did you find out about this? LIAM I dropped into the "Out There" Bar and someone from their secret facility recognized me, through some type of facial recognition. I think that we know a lot more than they do. SAMANTHA This is getting a lot bigger that we've ever thought. When do you want to get back to Goat Mountain. LIAM Tonight. SAMANTHA Ok let's get prepared. They start packing the Camper.
INT: 29 PALMS MARINE BASE - SECRET BUNKER In a bunker below 29 Palms Marine Corps base, we see banks of computers, and screens monitoring satellite images, the Hubble and Kepler telescopes from outer space. They've contacted the Space Station circling the earth, we see an image of Liam's camper traveling to Goat Mountain. LCPL DANNY WOOD Sir, they're on the move. Lieutenant Morris is looking over LCPL Danny Woods shoulder. LIEUTENANT MORRIS Don't lose them. LCPL DANNY WOOD They should be using the same trail from last time. EXT: LATE AFTERNOON - GOAT MOUNTAIN The Lieutenant nods approval. Liam and SAMANTHA arrive at the Goat Mountain Trail that led them to the metal discoveries. It's almost midnight. SAMANTHA I hear a swooshing sound. Something's hovering over us, I can't tell what.
LIAM I've got my camera, the infra lens should pick up whatever we can't see. Suddenly a bright light turning midnight into daylight is shooting down on Liam and SAMANTHA. A foreign object resembling a cigar shape about 200 feet long, drops another sphere resembling a saucer the size of a city bus. LIAM and Sam are stunned to silence, they're in awe of what they see. A ghost-like body slowly floats our of the saucer, it resembles a White Walker with a large head measuring 7 to 8 feet tall. It's arms are pinned against its body. As it leaves the saucer, it disappears, and appears a few feet in front of the shocked pair. SAMANTHA What do we do? LIAM Let's wait and see its next move. Do you feel anything unusual? I'm getting some numbers floating in front of my eyes. One's, zero's, X's, how about you. SAMANTHA I'm looking straight at this thing. It's talking with its eyes. Their eyes talk. They're using some type of brain wave communication. My mind has lots of static, I see numbers flashing, I think we're making some type of contact. LIAM Look up do you see the object that dropped him? SAMANTHA It's a huge black triangular shaped craft. It's got this huge white ball of light. It's just disappeared.
LIAM The creature is walking toward us. Sam get behind me. It's staring at me. I've got these brain waves going through my head giving me some type of jumbled numbers, its eyes are creating images in my brain. SAMANTHA He's moving too fast. I see a blinding light, do you see it, my body feels limp all of a sudden. LIAM It's all in our heads. It looks like some type of telepathic communication through their eyes, it’s like we're getting hypnotized The Alien's body is fading in and out of reality. Numbers are generating in Sam and Liam's heads. LIAM I think whatever it is wants us to decipher the numbers he's planting in our brains. The Alien is no longer visible. Sam and Liam begin hiking down the trail back to Liam's camper. SAMANTHA How much of what we saw did you get on camera? LIAM We'll check it out when we get back. The camper travels down the dirt road leading to Liam's home. The moon is earie and reflects the pairs out of body experience. They open the door to Liam's home. The lights get turned on and a 8 foot ghost like White Walker is standing in the corner. The alien is fading in and out of reality. Communicating with numbers. INT: LATE NIGHT - INSIDE CAMPER SAMANTHA Oh no, what the hell. What’s going on you look like your in a trans.
INT: NIGHT - TINY HOME LIAM I'm getting all of these numbers in my brain, where's my laptop? He opens the laptop, and pulls up the app for Alien translations. A new app created by a MIT professor called Alien chat. Liam starts typing in numbers his brain is feeding him. LIAM begins typing 1 0 0 0 0 111 using the App for translation. As Liam types of the numbers begin to translate into words. The computer begins breaking down numbers to their relation to the totals that Liam has transcribed on his computer. LIAM We’re getting some translation of the numbers. The numbers are jumping through a quick progression of unscrambling into sentences. The laptop screen is starting to spit out a translation of jumbled numbers x's and O's. Liam starts to experience dreams in the alien’s language. He sees himself as a three-year-old boy sitting in the back seat while his dad drives. The car stops, the owls are superimposed on the rear window facing him. Suddenly the laptop translates LAPTOP "Search for humanoids, not war, no strike 24 hours." Inside the 29 Palms Bunker the message from Liam's laptop appears on LCPL'S Wood's screen. He alerts Lieutenant Morris. LCPL DANNY WOOD Montgomery's made contact. The message is something about humans and war. We have 24 hours or our forces will strike. Several other sites gear up to do the same thing, while the sites all disconnect from each other. The message is misinterpreted but Lieutenant orders an alert. LCPL DANNY WOOD Sir, I don't think what you've read is what the message infers.
LIEUTENANT MORRIS Lance Corporal let me the judge of that. LAPTOP Static, jumbled numbers, in and out of reality. INT: 29 PALMS - LATE NIGHT LCPL DANNY WOOD Sir, I'm picking up a signal from Liam’s laptop again. He's just posted at least 100 numbers to a top-secret UFO site called Alien Chat. He's trying to get a translation. LIEUTENANT MORRIS Maybe we can get a connect with the Alien-Chat website. LCPL DANNY WOOD I'll try to get Ian's password, this could be a tough one. LIEUTENANT MORRIS Just do it!
LIAM Were getting some translation of the numbers. The numbers are jumping through a quick progression of unscrambling into sentences. The laptop screen is starting to spit out a translation of jumbled numbers x's and O's. Liam starts to experience dreams in the aliens language. He sees himself as a three-year-old boy sitting in the backseat while his dad drives. The car stops, the owls are superimposed on the rear window facing him. Suddenly the laptop translates. LAPTOP Search for humanoids, not war, no strike 24 hours." “Searh for humanoids, not war, Message keeps repeating. Inside the 29 Palms Bunker the message from Liam's laptop appears on LCPL'S screen. He phones Lieutenant Morris. Montgomery's made contact. The message is something about humans and war. We have 24 hours, or they will strike. Several other sites gear up to do the same thing, while the sites all disconnect from each other. The message is misinterpreted but Lieutenant orders an alert. LCPL DANNY WOOD Sir, I don't think that's what the message implies. LIEUTENANT MORRIS Lance Corporal let me the judge of that. Liam's laptop is posting images.
LAPTOP Static, jumbled numbers, in and out of reality. Lieutenant Morris, somewhere on the 29 Palms underground bunker calls his (EARTH SCIENCE PLANETARY AND ASTROPHYSICS) Bunker - in for a conference to discuss their new assignment, Montgomery and his contact with an Extraterrestrial. Several Intelligence officers are attending the meeting. LIEUTENANT MORRIS Before we start I want to introduce one of senior defense members of the Presidents Security Council. Professor James Leonard. Professor Leonard is a bearded man who resemble and elderly gold miner from the movie "Treasure of Sierra Madre." He's a retired Lt Col in the Marine Corps and has been on the CIA's UFO think tank for years. His credits include CIA's extraterrestrial's secret Stargate and Remote Viewer project. JAMES LEONARD Thank you, Lieutenant Morris. We never use the word alien, visitor is more commonplace. There are good visitors and bad visitors. We've not determined what we're dealing with yet. As a member of the Alamogordo, New Mexico project where we attempt to talk to these so-called visitors, we used linguists to interpret the language these visitors are conveying. LIEUTENANT MORRIS What did you come up with Professor. Morris says impatiently.
JAMES LEONARD On March 8, 2014, Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 began its routine red-eye from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239 passengers and crew on board. This is what we know. Shortly after takeoff, the plane disappeared from radar screens, and no one in charge could explain why. Certain government agencies investigating the plane’s disappearance sent underwater vehicles with camera’s to the what we knew was the planes resting place. Camera’s on our submergible looked inside the planes fuselage and they discovered that the lights in the aircraft were still functioning, passengers were still strapped into their seats, and upon further inspection the pilots were staring at a note on their front window. LIEUTENANT MORRIS Ok, Doctor Leonard your going to tell us that some type of mysterious non-human sign was attached to the inside of their cockpit. JAMES LEONARD Precisely, Lieutenant. LIEUTENANT MORRIS And what did it say. JAMES LEONARD We are here! Nine years later, the event is still a disturbing, unresolved mystery. Scientists and investigative journalists, all continue to search for answers. But this secret has been held from them. Days following when conspiracy theories and false accusations started to spiral out of control our security agencies decided not to report the mysterious findings from our underwater search for Flight Malaysian Airlines 370.
LIEUTENANT MORRIS Are you saying our government is keeping information from the American people? JAMES LEONARD You could say that Lieutenant. Another mysterious event happened soon afterward. On March 8, 2014, Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 began its routine red-eye from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239 passengers and crew on board. Shortly after takeoff, the plane disappeared from radar screens, and no one in charge could explain why. Nine years later, the event is still a disturbing, unresolved mystery, We’re all searching for answers. DR. ARMITAS What Professor Leonard has not told you is In July of that same year, Malaysian Airlines lost another aircraft when MH17. The cause is top secret. That Disappeared, experts discuss how the chances of two aircraft from the same airline crashing in such a short time frame are infinitesimal, causing the conspiracy theories to go even further.
LIEUTENANT MORRIS Is MH370 still being searched for? Authorities officially ended the search for MH370 in 2017, but many independent investigators and aviation experts are still looking for answers. Maybe Mr. JAMES LEONARD We discovered the visitors we came in contact with communicated with their eyes and used mind language in the form of mathematics. Using their eyes to transfer equations that we attempted to solve in real time. Gentlemen, the mistake we’re making is when we think about extraterrestrials we assume they’re just like us, a few hundred years advanced. Not so, they are millions of years more advanced than us. They harness power of stars to use shortcuts through space. LIEUTENANT MORRIS Do you agree that we should capture one of these aliens, I mean visitors and interrogate it. This is what we know. A fellow by the name of LIAM has contacted an Extraterrestrial. We know this through our surveillance of his home, computer and satellite tracking. His girlfriend is also involved, and they both have been investigating UFO's hovering over the skies of Goat Mountain here in Landers, Joshua Tree. We know they've contacted one of these aliens and we're putting together a plan to capture this space creature. We'll keep everyone in the loop. We make this happen without getting the press involved. We are not trying to create a Worldwide event and scare the hell out of everyone, so everyone in this room is sworn to secrecy. That's all for today.
JAMES LEONARD I don't think that's a great idea right now. Let's do some more checking. Under the veil of darkness three agents in camouflage from ESPA planted a listening device under Montgomery's Tacoma. They cleanup, nod approval and leave. Morris calls a secure line and summons LCpl DANNY WOOD. Wood opens the conference room door, stands at attention, salutes Lieutenant Morris. LCPL DANNY WOOD Sir, we may be moving to fast. The message has been analyzed and it's not what it sounds like. The part about humans and war. We have 24 hours, or they will strike. That's not what they mean. LIEUTENANT MORRIS Have a seat Wood. We need to establish a battle plan to avoid any embarrassing information leading to the public about our two friends. Get all the analysts together and let's meet in one hour in the bunker's conference room. By the way Wood did you get that listening and tracking device planted on Montgomery's truck. We need to track every move he makes. INT: LIAM'S TINY HOME - JOSHUA TREE - LATE AFTERNOON LIAM Whatever it is have control of information on my laptop. I'm getting pictures 3D pictures of markings dating back 75,000 years ago. I'm getting some flashback about the carving on the walls with off looking figures scrawled depicting objects flying over the cavemen. They almost appear real. SAMANTHA All I see is static on your laptop. They must be communicating with you through some cerebellar network. I read about this it may relate to your childhood experiences. The White Walker like alien is hovering in Montgomery's home fading in and out of reality. LIAM We must get back up there, start packing. I'll get Rocky meet me in the truck. LCpl Wood is on a head piece with Lieutenant Morris on the other end. LCPL DANNY WOOD Sir, They're on the move again. Lots of action on Reynold’s laptop. LIEUTENANT MORRIS Can you make anything out of it. LCPL DANNY WOOD What ever they picked up on the laptop has them rushing out to Reynold’s truck. Looks like they're heading back up to Goat Mountain. LIEUTENANT MORRIS
‘ EXT: GOAT MOUNTAIN - LATE EVENING Liam and SAMANTHA have arrived on a Goat Mountain back trail. The ghostly White Walker like alien appears a few yards in front of them. They follow the alien to the spot where bodies were dropped from the UFO above the Goat Mountain cemetery. SAMANTHA He's leading us somewhere. LIAM I can't see him; it's fading in and out. The alien leads them to the location where bodies were dropped then disappears. SAMANTHA Liam, look on the ground, there are tiny remnants of shinney dust like particles. LIAM Don't touch them. They could be radioactive. They're connected to some type of extraterrestrial object that either released the particles or discharged some UFO space materials. The underground bunker tracking Liam and SAMANTHA with Satellite images technicians zoom on the spot where the shinney objects appear. Morris overlooks the monitors. The team arrives at the Goat Mountain site where Liam and SAMANTHA were last seen. A heavy fog engulfs the site as the team picks up particles from the ground. A white ghost like figure appears hovering over the small search party. One of the men looks up and sees the extraterrestrial hovering above them. Liam and SAMANTHA are about to hike from a back trail that merges with the main trail. They see the servicemen with Hazmat suits hiking up the trail holding AK 47's.
LIAM Sam this is a good spot to see what is happening. SAMANTHA Look Liam they have some type of metallic net. This isn't right. They're trying to capture something they know nothing about. Liam looks up at the large rock they're standing behind. LIAM I don't believe this, look up, doesn't that look like two owls with large eyes starring down on us. SAMANTHA Holy Shit. What's going on here? Suddenly the ground caves in and the team is sucked into a vacuum that tosses them thousands of feet below the surface of Goat Mountain. The team leader is watching from a distance and looses site of his men. A thick fog now surrounds the area, and the team leader looks on as his men disappear. LCPL DANNY WOOD Sargent Maddox can you give me an update. I have Sargent Maddox on the secure line. SARGENT MADDOX Something strange has just happened, my men have all disappeared from site. I'm going to investigate. LCPL DANNY WOOD I would not advance until I get orders from Lieutenant Morris. Stand your ground, sir. Lieutenant Morris has been looking over LCPS Woods shoulder watching the team and its mysterious disappearance. LIEUTENANT MORRIS Sargent this is Lieutenant Morris, stand by for more direction, do not, I repeat do not move from your position. LCPL DANNY WOOD Sir?
LIEUTENANT MORRIS Something crazy is going on, I have to check with the command office for our next move. Tensions rise in the underground bunker. A controlled chaos and uncertainty prevails throughout the underground control room. A meeting in the Bunker conference room is taking place. Professor Joseph Armitas a renown scholar of extraterrestrial space travel and author of "The Physics of "Faster than Lightspeed" and part of the UFO team assembled by the Department of National Security is questioned about the findings on Goat Mountain. LIEUTENANT MORRIS We have an emergency on our hands, and we want to get some guidance from Professor Joseph Armitas who's written many articles regarding UFO's and space travel. The professor is a former decorated combat officer who's in charge of the National Geo-space Intelligence Agency that studies unidentified aerial phenomena. We're lucky to have him here.
DR.ARMITAS Thank you, Lieutenant, in my view extraterrestrials and UFO's have been shadowing our planet for thousands of years. The existence of these aliens through reversed engineering of unknown origin is fundamentally correct and may present us with indisputable evidence of their existence. The origin of technologies we are seeing are derived from non-human intelligence and we're just scratching the service. As Professor Leonard told us earlier, the best way to communicate with these space aliens is to learn the language they speak with their eyes. LIEUTENANT MORRIS With all due respect Professor, the men I sent up to Goat Mountain have disappeared. We don’t have time. I want to get to the bottom of it. DR.ARMITAS I understand your concern. This only proves that we're not alone. I would gladly join you, maybe we can coax the young man to give us more information. LIEUTENANT MORRIS Professor, since time is of the essence here and some of my best men are missing, I suggest we leave A SAP! LCPL Wood, get Reynold’s on the line or better yet, get over to his place and tell him he has to work with us. Got it? LCPL DANNY WOOD Yes sir I'm on it. A triangular saucer-like object is hovering hundreds of feet above their location on Goat Mountain. A bright light shines down on the Goat Mountain Cemetery where Liam and SAMANTHA are hiding. The 29 Palms Hazmat team has just been devoured by some type of indescribable cave in. SAMANTHA Holy Shit. What's going on here Liam? Before Sam and Liam leave, hundreds of bodies are floating to the ground from the space object. They float to the ground, they appear to morph from ghost-like objects into humans, all shapes and sizes. They land on the ground and begin walking into the darkness.
LIAM Let's get out of here! Liam and SAMANTHA drive off. They arrive at Liam's home in Landers. A Humvee is parked in front of Liam's property. SAMANTHA What the hell is this all about? LIAM Stay here Sam, I'll take care of this. Liam approaches the two investigators from 29 Palms. Can I help you? INVESTIGATOR ONE Are you LIAM? LIAM Yes, I am, again, what's this all about? INVESTIGATOR ONE We're hear to search your residence. LIAM You are, do you have a search warrant. INVESTIGATOR ONE Have you got word from Lieutenant Morris? Morris is on earphones with Investigator two. INVESTIGATOR TWO Lieutenant Morris wants us to report back to base.
LIAM Whose Lieutenant Morris? INVESTIGATOR ONE We're not at liberty to give you that information. We're just doing our job. LIAM Tell Lieutenant Morris to call me, we need to get a few things straightened out. INVESTIGATOR ONE I'll relay that information sir. LIAM Tell him I'm expecting his call. Investigator one tells investigator two to phone Lt. Morris and update him. Liam is asking for a search warrant. Well do you have a search warrant or not? If you don't please get off of my property. INT: AFTERNOON -29 PALMS BUNKER CONFERENCE ROOM. LIEUTENANT MORRIS Professor Armitas, I'm ready to leave.
JAMES LEONARD Gentlemen, the mistake we’re making is when we think about extraterrestrials we assume they’re just like us, a few hundred years advanced. Not so, they are millions of years more advanced than us. They harness power of stars to use shortcuts through space. LIEUTENANT MORRIS We don’t have time for this, my men are missing we need to find out what’s happening. DR. ARMITAS We have to do our homework here, If you start multiplying the millions of habitable planets in the Milky Way, some researchers predict there may be as many as 16,000 alien civilizations traveling through our universe. Lieutenant, the technological gap that likely exists between the human race and a messengers from beyond the solar system is vast. It would probably appear in the form of an artificial intelligence object. This messenger could be thousands of years old. DR.ARMITAS Not to mention it's traveled a million or billion light years from our planet. They would need an enormous amount of energy. My guess is that these advanced civilizations have existed for hundreds of thousands years have found a way to conquer movement throughout the galaxies in manners that humans cannot understand. My guess is that there are more than one advanced civilization based on the amount of millions of galactic matter that is part of our universe. JAMES LEONARD I concur, Doctor. In my view, the realization that extraterrestrials visiting earth for thousands of years include other advanced civilizations that have visited our planet.
LIEUTENANT MORRIS They've probably monitored our world and have no interest in becoming part of the problems we have. Mr. Liam may help us find how they developed and use new technology we know nothing about. DR.ARMITAS It would be a good idea to interview this young man that's been visiting the Mountain and get his views on what it is we're exactly working looking for. LIEUTENANT MORRIS Right now, it looks like he doesn't want to cooperate. DR.ARMITAS Let me talk to Mr. Liam. I'm sure he would be interested in space travel and the visitor he's met. Lieutenant how can I reach this young man? LIEUTENANT MORRIS LCPL Wood can make the connection. Wood try your best to get Montgomery to talk to us. DR. ARMITAS If we make contact with such a messenger, it would probably appear in the form of an artificial intelligence object. This messenger could be thousands of years old. DR.ARMITAS Not to mention it's traveled a million or billion light years from our planet. They would need an enormous amount of energy to power their vehicles to justify their huge energy expenditures. My guess is that these advanced civilizations have existed for hundreds of thousands of years have found a way to conquer movement throughout the galaxies in manners that humans cannot understand. My guess is that their are more than one advanced civilization based on the amount of millions of galactic matter that is part of our universe. JAMES LEONARD I concur, Doctor. In my view, the realization that extraterrestrials visiting earth for thousands of years together with other advanced civilizations that have visited our planet is a fact.
LIEUTENANT MORRIS They've probably monitored our world and have no interest in becoming part of the problems we've created. JAMES LEONARD We need to talk to Mr. Liam as soon as possible. LIEUTENANT MORRIS Let’s pay him a visit. LIEUTENANT MORRIS We’ve got to capture these aliens before they take over the planet. DR ARMITAS Lieutenant you’re overreacting. Let’s have some semblance of rationality here. The visitor or aliens said they mean no harm, we have to honor it’s wish. Doctor Armitas, Professor Leonard, Lieutenant Morris are now in a Black Suburban, LCPL Wood is driving, an aerial of their SUV shows them entering Liam property. A caravan of two Black SUV’s enter Liam property. LIAM Sam, you have to see this, looks like we’ve got company. SAMANTHA Liam, turn on your laptop, maybe we can make contact with our visitor from who knows where. LCPL Wood knocks on the door, Liam can we enter?
INT: AFTERNOON - TINY HOME LIAM At your own risk. This is my friend Samantha, what can we do for you? LIEUTENANT MORRIS First of all, my name is Lieutenant Chuck Morris. And these two gentlemen are part of our UFO investigative program at 29 Palms. Dr. Armitas, and Professor James Leonard. You’ve met LCPL Wood. LIAM I’ve read about you both. Very impressive. SAMANTHA Well, well, something Liam hasn’t ever mentioned, my pleasure. LIEUTENANT MORRIS We’re here to talk about your recent trips to the Mountain. What can you share with us? Liam’s laptop is on, static from one of his programs is creating an unusual noise. SAMANTHA Liam, I’ll check it out.
PROFESSOR ARMITAS What we have here is a ground breaking event that you may not understand Liam. We believe you’ve come in contact with intergalactic voyagers. Can you tell me what you’ve discovered? LIAM I’m not sure what your asking, but Sam and I have felt the presence of some type of alien being that speaks through brain messages. JAMES LEONARD Tell us about that Liam. LIAM Doctor Leonard I’ve read your books, and I trust you may know what I’m talking about. SAMANTHA You’ve never mentioned Doctor Leonard either Liam. You’ve been keeping me in the dark. Liam smiles at Samantha sensing she’ pulling his chain.
LIAM The one episode we’ve had with what we think is a visitor from I don’t know where, he stood right about the spot your standing in, communicated with his eyes, hundreds of numbers flooded my brain, and somehow they translated into a form of English language. JAMES LEONARD Do you recall what the visitor said? LIAM Something about not on this planet to make war. But on some type of mission. JAMES LEONARD What type of mission. LIAM We didn’t get that far. It seems that the folks at 29 Palms keep interfering with our contacts. My guess is based on what we’ve seen, Sam and I, their trying to populate our planet with a civilization that’s dying on their planet and whatever there up to is mind boggling. DR ARMITAS How’s that Liam? LIAM Well last night when we visited Goat Mountain, a couple of out of body events happened. When I was a kid, more than 30 years ago, I experienced two owls stuck to my rear window while my father was driving. Those same two owls appeared last night while some type of Space Vehicle deposited hundreds of ghost like bodies, they floated to the ground, morphed into humans, and walked away into the darkness. Maybe, just maybe. SAMANTHA What are you thinking Liam?
LIAM I’m thinking that since I’ve been a little kid, those two owls somehow gave me the some type of skill to translate numbers into language. SAMANTHA You’ve got a special power? LIAM I don’t know Sam. Liam’s life flashes before him. Little boy to present. Possibly a product of visiting another realm that’s given him special powers. He sees White Walkers, he sees planetary travels, other forms of extraterrestrial life. Could he be one of them? Could he have super human powers, is he really thousands of years old? He snaps out of the daydream. DR ARMITAS So what you’re saying is you think this space vehicle dropped off possible beings from another planet, and they transform into humans and disappear. LIAM Something like that. Right Sam? DR ARMITAS James if this is true than we have to surmise that these space objects are dropping thousands of these bodies that are morphing into humans. LIAM My guess is that these space ships are carrying remnants of beings that are part of a planet that’s existence is coming to an end. They’ve have been recovering corpses from the Goat Mountain Cemetery, and cemeteries around the world. They’re reconstituting their civilization with exhumed bodies from earth. DR ARMITAS Interesting observation. LIEUTENANT MORRIS I’d love to capture one of these aliens. LIAM Not too sure you want to do that Lieutenant. You have no idea what would happen to you. It’s nightfall, and bright light appears in the distance, within an instant it hovers over Liam’s home. From the bright light shining down on Liam’s property, a ghost like creature floats down and appears in Liam’s home. LIEUTENANT MORRIS Here’s our chance.
LIAM Not too fast, out visitor’s here for a reason. The alien is a ghostlike white walker. It’s eyes are shooting out messages to Liam. LIEUTENANT MORRIS Wood call the base we need backup. LIAM Hold on Lieutenant, it’s telling me that you have nothing to fear. The non-human alien is transforming numbers into Liam’s brain and Liam’s brain is translating the numbers into the English. ALIEN After billions of years our planet is dying. Our civilization has been traveling the Universe for millions of years. You’ve traveled with us Liam. You’ve been to our galaxy, we need your help. Your planet is one of many we’re populating. Please do not take my words lightly any type of retaliation will be met with deadly force. We mean no harm. The alien’s ghost like body rises back into the triangular spaceship that’s hovering over Liam’s home. Seconds later the spacecraft shoots back to Goat Mountain and hovers.
LIEUTENANT MORRIS That does it. We’re going to Goat Mountain, I have to find my men. Liam you’re coming with us. LIAM I’m not going anywhere unless you tell be what your plan is. LIEUTENANT MORRIS I’ll tell you when we get there! Morris, Leonard, Armitas, get into the four wheel drive SUV. LCPL Woods is driving. Liam sits in the back seat next to Leonard and Armitas. Liam sits next to the rear window. As they drive toward Goat Mountain Liam casually looks out the window, and oddly enough two owls again are pasted to his rear window. LIAM Did you see that? Numbers are shooting through Liam’s brain. Translations are difficult to unscramble. LIAM Their trying to tell me something. LIEUTENANT MORRIS What are you talking about Liam.
LIAM Turn around, take me back to my home, Samantha and Rocky need my help. Do it now! The car turns around and speeds down the dirt road to Liam’s Tiny Home. He jumps out of the SUV and runs to the front door. LIEUTENANT MORRIS Let’s get back to the Bunker. Move it Woods. An arial of the SUV speeding back to 29 Palms. Liam enters his Tiny Home. After a few minutes he looks out the window that overlooks Goat Mountain. LIAM Sam look out the window. SAMANTHA I don’t believe this is happening. Thousands of ghostly-like souls are streaming over Liam's property towards Goat Mountain, their ethereal presence is captured by sensitive satellite cameras stationed at the secret bunker in the 29 Palm Marine Base, where scientists and military personnel were astounded at the images of spirits slowly walking toward Goat Mountain. Liam and Samantha, at that very moment, were inexplicably drawn to the mysterious lights above Goat Mountain. Hand in hand, they ventured into the midst of the spectral legions, feeling an eerie but undeniable pull towards the otherworldly phenomena.
The night was filled with an eerie silence, broken only by the soft whispers of the departed. Liam and Samantha could feel the chill of the unearthly presence as they walked among the ghostly procession. As they drew closer to Goat Mountain, the source of the mysterious lights became more apparent. A colossal spacecraft, unlike any human-made object, hung in the night sky. Its surface seemed to ripple with cosmic energy, and from its underside, a brilliant beam of light shone down, engulfing the countless souls in its radiant grasp. Liam and Samantha found themselves standing directly beneath the beam of light, bathed in its celestial glow. It was as if time itself had stopped, and they were caught between the realms of the living and the dead. The souls, lost to the annals of history, swirled around them, their translucent forms weaving an intricate dance.
The satellite cameras from the secret bunker recorded every moment of this otherworldly encounter. Scientists and military personnel watched in astonishment as they observed the event unfold in real-time, their screens displaying the inexplicable connection between the living and the departed. Liam and Samantha felt a profound sense of unity with the ghostly legions and the cosmic presence above. They could sense a message, a purpose, or perhaps a cosmic revelation hidden within this extraordinary convergence of souls and extraterrestrial light.
As the spacecraft slowly ascended into the night sky, carrying the souls with it, Liam and Samantha were left standing together, forever changed by their inexplicable journey into the unknown. And in the secret bunker at 29 Palm Marine Base, the recordings of this remarkable event would become a closely guarded secret, a testament to the mysteries of the universe that were far beyond human comprehension.