Thursday, October 17, 2024

Infinity redo

TREATMENT “THE INFINITY MISSION” by: ALFRED ZAPPALA, ESQ. C. 2018 FICTION SETTING: THE YEAR 2035 CONCEPT: TIME TRAVEL/ACTION ADVENTURE SUMMARY OF STORY SETTING: China had invaded Japan. India and Pakistan were threatening the Mid-East and Europe. The Western Allies had mobililized their armed forces and the world was holding its breath awaiting the out break of thermo-nuclear war. The chief protagonist of this story is Jim Goodwin, a retired award -winning film director, aged 45, who hit it big in the film industry at an early age, became wealthy as a result of his cinematic success but became disillusioned with the excess of Hollywood. He chose to walk away from it all while at the pinnacle of his success and retreated back to his native Massachusetts where he tries to contain his restless and creative nature and contemplates the next stage of his life. One day, as he was writing his book on the deck of his house, a military car pulled into his driveway. Four men in military uniforms got out of the car, approached his house, rang the bell and asked to speak to him. They told him that he was wanted in Washington, D.C. They could not disclose the nature of or why he was wanted or by whom, only that it was a matter of national security and that he must come. They produced a letter from Professor Ian Brown, a brilliant mathematician and boyhood friend of Jim asking him to accompany them. Jim packed an overnight bag. A military car whiskey him to Logan Airport where he flew on a private jet to Washington. A motorcade of military cars awaited him and he was brought to the Pentagon. At the Pentagon, he was taken to its secret scientific wing where he was led into a conference room. In the room was Cardinal Raymond DiFiore, Personal Delegate of Pope John Paul IV, National Security Director Henry Billingsly, President Helen Gori, Professor Ian Brown and two unidentified individuals. Billingsly introduced Jim and turned the meeting over to Professor Brown. In a protracted sequence using computer animation and tecnical scientific jargon, it was revealed to Jim that Einstein’s Theory of Relativity had been undisputably proven. An experiment was conducted for the disbelieving Jim, where an animal was briefly transported back and forth in time. Jim was told that the technology is so new that they believed that only approximately four tons of men and equipment could theoretically be transoported back and forth in time, but because of the intense science and physics involved, assurances of transport could only be given for a 72 hour period. Goodwin asked why he was brought there and what they wanted from him. Cardinal DiFiore spoke. He told Jim that the Pope has asked that a team be assembled and be transported back to the time of Jesus Christ. The President then spoke. He asked Jim to lead a team of volunteers back in time, find Jesus Christ and video tape him. The President, an ardent Catholic, and the Pope were convinced that the only way to avoid all out destruction of the earth was for a miracle of this magnitude to occur. The expedition, the longest of long shots, was the only way to save the world. Jim was given 24 hours to decide whether or not he would accept this hopeless long shot. After an agonizing night of indecision, he decided to undertake the task. He quickly assembled a team (with the help of the Pentagon who provided the appropriate background information on various individuals) and selected a team consisting of himself (equiped with lightweight state-of-the-art audio-visual equipment), Sergeant Danny O’Neil, Special Forces, an expert in firearms and explosive devices, Jackson Featherhead, a Seminole Indian renowned to be the best tracker in the world, Professor Leslie Leblanc, a linguist fluent in ancient Arabic as well as an expert on the culture of ancient Palestine and Dr. Kenny Broadhurst, US Navy Seals, Medic. Careful calculation of men and equipment put the team just under the four-ton requirement. After two days of orientation and a near disaster transport experience, the team is transported back in time. THE SEARCH BEGINS Ancient Palestine was primitive. Historic and archeological information calculated by 21st century thinkers, failed to accurately portray life in occupied Palestine. Rudimentary 21st century necessities at this time were not even in the realm of the imagination. Intense poverty, sickness, hunger and gloom along with a hatred for the devils from the north, the occupying Roman Legions, were the norm. Quickly, the team learned that the people hated their own King, Herod, and regarded him as a stooge for the mighty Romans. Jesus of Nazareth’s name was not spoken by the simple folk the team first stumbled across. Jim and the team decided to first observe the population rather than mingle with them. Electronic listening devices and night vision equipment was used to hear and see. However, their clothing, deisgned by Pentagon planners was historically inaccurate and useless. The team would quickly be exposed as strangers if they mingled. Featherhead slipped away the first night and returned with clothing supplies taken from a merchant. Electronic listening devices orientated Leblanc as to the exact dialect and although she had never used the dialect, she felt confident she could converse undetected if necessary. Electronic observation proved useless as the name of Jesus was not heard despite listening in to many conversations. Jim and the team decided that contact with the population was necessary, so they headed into a tiny village hoping that Leblanc could learn from one or two people if Jesus of Nazareth was for real, and if so, where to find him. The village was named Azu. Reconnaissance by Littlefeather and O’Neil revealed the people there grew olives and figs to augment their meager existence. Two squads of Romans were camped about ½ mile outside the village. Leblanc entered the village. Three women harvesting olives looked at her, surprised to see a strange female alone. Goodwin taped the sequence. Leblanc was covered by the others all of whom had their weapons at the ready. Even Leblanc had a loaded gun under her tunic. She told the women that she and her husband had been on the way to Jerusalem when he fell ill. She asked for water to take to him. Suspiciously, the women pointed to a well 100 yards away. As she was about to leave the group, she asked them about Jesus of Nazareth. They fell silent and looked away. She asked again. One woman said that Jesus was in Aziz with his followers. A second woman said that Herod was the King, not Jesus and that Jesus was a troublemaker who would get them all killed by the Romans. The third woman said nothing. Leblanc headed for the well. A short time later, the third woman approached her and said that Jesus was her master but that she could not tell that to her sisters because they would beat her. Before Leblanc could respond, a column of 42 Roman Legionnaires approached. THE CONFRONTATION The Legionnaires were on top of the two women so fast that Jim and the others had no time to warn them. Both women were clubbed by the squad Commander. The team responded. Four shots were fired and four Legionnaires fell dead, including the Commander. The Romans dropped back. The two women sprinted toward Jim and the team. The Romans, sword drawn and in a mini phalanx formation, charged the team. In 30 seconds, the carnage was over, all the Romans lay dead. Shocked, horrified and stunned over the sudden turn of events and remorseful that violence had to be used, the team fell back. The woman, Arenia, fell back with them. The fire fight had been captured by Goodwin. It was now on a condensed hard drive. THE SEARCH CONTINUES Arenia told the team about Jesus. She knew the way to Aziz. It was a two day jouney. She told them that He was both hated and loved. The majority of Jews were fearful of him. His talk of a Kingdom of Heaven frightened them. They feared the Romans would crush not only him and his followers but all the Jews. Their own religious leadership had concluded that He and his followers were zealots and should not be trusted. A growing minority of Jews and also some local Romans and Greeks, however, saw Jesus differently. They too remained silent, fearful of retribution. He was the Son of God, the Messiah, and they believed the One who would lead them to the Kingdom of Heaven, but were frightened by the ruthless Romans and Herod. Arenia told stories of Jesus and his followers, many of which the team had never heard. He spoke without speaking. People heard him in their minds and hearts. Those who came in contact with Him saw their inner - selves. He was the Son of God, she said. After searching for two days while clashing with the Romans, who were looking everywhere for them, they found Jesus and his followers. The event that day would later be know as the Sermon on the Mount. The miracle of the loave of bread and basket of fishes would be later studied and adored by the faithful who read the Gospel. Thousands were on the hill, many were sick, crippled. Jim filmed it all. the team was awe struck. Nervous, excited and overcome with incomprehensible emotions and feelings, Jim approached Jesus and his followers. He had his back to Jim facing the crowd. Jim’s camera was recording it all. As Jim came within feet of Jesus, He turned, looked into the camera, and said to Jim that He had been waiting for him. Jesus proceeded to give, in perfect English and perfectly framed into the camera, a soliloquy so touching and moving that the team fell to its knees and wept. Jim stopped filming and put the camera down. He and the team wanted to follow Jesus and protect Him. Jesus touched Jim and told him and the team that, like Him, they too were sent by God to do His tidings but they must return because their work was not yet done. He blessed them, told them to leave, and turned back to the assembled crowd. The team, with heavy hearts, left and returned to the departure site. They arrived there with seconds to spare and were transported back to the present. The situation, however, had drammatically worsened on their return. Ground forces were now in global battle. Three European cities had been overrun. Allied submarines and war planes were deployed and were now on the offensive flying thousands of sorties over the enemy. The world was at war. The President had ordered the deployment and arming of the nuclear arsenal and the silos were awaiting the command to fire. Television technicians were on standby waiting for the team. Thy had readied worldwide communications in the event the team would be successful. The CD of Jesus was inserted into the distribution monitor. Then the miracles started to occur. Within one second of the first sound of His voice, all weapons, throughout the world stopped functioning. Bullets and bombs fell harmlessly to the ground. Ships and tanks stopped where they stood. Pilots were powerless to release their bombs. A second miracle occurred. Jesus’ voice became many, all in different languages, and was heard in the hearts and minds of all even those not watching television. Every person on earth heard His message. His message was clear. People now knew and understood. Armies put down their weapons.the threat of world destruction evaporated. The story ends with an archological dig taking place in Palestine. A dig had discovered a small village and artifacts had been found. Clothing, pottery, bits of jewelry had been unearthed. Also found were the remnants of bullet casings that testing showed to be two thousand years old. Alfred M. Zappala, Esq. Email: Cell: (USA) 978-204-6574 (SICILY) +39 3334979881 Chasing Eternity By Mike Colonna 2024 Russia has invaded Ukraine. Small nuclear missiles were used to the defeat the former USSR’s prize possession during the “Cold War.” Pakistan, Iran, India teamed together to annex the European continent. China was poised to create a greater South Pacific world power by occupying North and South Korea, Japan, North and South Vietnam, Thailand and the balance of the countries in the South China Sea. The only continents free of Asian domination were Australia, The Unites States and South America. The world was holding its breath awaiting the outbreak of total annihilation between Asia and North and South America. Thermo-nuclear war was about to break out and the possible end of the planet earth as we know it. Retired Scientist, and award winning documentary film maker John Morris in his late 40’s was living a good life as a wealthy film maker and was tired of the excesses of left wing Hollywood. He retreated back to his native Montana where he tried to contain his restless life contemplating how to live the wrong side of his life after 50 years on earth. Morris was sitting outside of his sprawling ranch out side of Bozeman on a porch that surrounded his 4,000 Square Foot home writing his memoires and staring out into the beautiful mountains that surrounded his 40 acre home. As he was writing his book a military car pulled up into his circular driveway, Four men in military uniforms got out and approached Morris as he sat quietly on his spacious porch. They traveled to Montana with a message from a Professor Liam Brown that was considered high priority. It concerned the national security of the Western Hemisphere. Morris’s interest peaked since the esteemed professor and mathematician was a boyhood friend.

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